
What i learned about hypertension is that first of all this is not something that you want to have. Hypertension is abnormally high blood pressure, for example if you blood pressure is 140/99 you would have hypertension. There is more then one stage of hypertension there is stage 1, 2, and hypertension crisis which is the worst type of hypertension there is. hypertension is also known as the silent killer because there is no way of detecting it unless you check your blood pressure, and that sums up what i learned about hypertension and and how to see if you have it and the negative of it.


Hello my name is jailen Willis, i am 16 years old and my home school is Whitehall yearling high-school. during my free time i like to draw, listen to music, and play video games i also play football, basketball and i run track. a little bit more about myself is that i’m very chill and laid back , i have a lot of nick names for example i have jai, j will, j money, ext. also i’m really goofy and you usually cant tell how i’m feeling except for when i’m mad. but that’s a little bit about myself but goodbye glad you could get to know me.

Keys to success

There are many keys to success but some are more important than others, but some of the keys that i think are most important are these. one of them is doing everything do your absolute best and giving you all because if you don’t do you best there is no reason to whatever it is that your doing at all. Another thing is believing yourself because at the end of the day you greatest enemy you have is yourself and when yo believe in yourself you will be able to whatever you put mind to in order to be successful.


I really enjoyed the Zumba class it was really fun and exiting, I also enjoyed all of the other labs coming and doing it with because most of them never did it before and that was their first time experiencing Zumba. I liked to see the look of excitement on everyone’s face when doing the class, they were really into it and also there were a lot of people participating i hope people from other labs who didn’t come can join us in the future when we do Zumba because i feel like its a fun thing to do and even knowing i really enjoyed it i think they will to.